It has landed - the official RSD 2024 list is here!
For now, we have the full list in PDF format that can be found HERE - save it, print it, share it. After all, there's something on there for everyone.
The full list of records (and prices) will be making their way onto our website real soon. We just have to return from across the pond, but keep your eyes peeled, they (and us) will land soon!
In the meantime, please let us know what you want. We can't stock everything... we know some things just don't suit our audience... plus we want to keep our cash for things our customers want (need)... so help us out and let us know what YOU want. Once we know what people want, we will order BIG on the titles we need to.
To let us know what you're after, here is the Google form, all you have to is tick against the product you'd like to buy with us:
As always, normal Record Store Day rules apply:
- No pre-orders
- No reservations
- All items sold on a first come, first served basis (our doors open from 8am)
We look forward to seeing what you all want to get your hands on and look forward to welcoming you on Saturday 20th April.
Until next time, in the words of the New Orleanians around us:
Have a nice day y'all.
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