
Newsletter #5

Newsletter #5

Here we are already, March is nearly upon us! Before you know it, we'll have daffodils and tulips lining the streets and everyone will have a Spring in their step. But until then, we are bringing you more news and musical offerings. So, grab a cuppa, sit back and let us talk you through what's been happening! First things first, our website. Although the physical shop remains closed at the moment, our website is open 24/7 - meaning you can nosy at your convenience! If you haven't already, take a dig about to see what we've got going on....

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Newsletter #13

Newsletter #13

Hey, welcome to the Wax and Beans newsletter for November. Doesn't time fly when you have so much amazing new music to listen to. Live events and a plethora of new releases have kept our ears in sonic bliss since we last spoke. In this months newsletter we'll do a little reminiscing and a little forward planning! As always, we've included our favourite pre-order for the month below, but you can always check out our full list of pre-orders here. We suggest you bookmark it for easy access... don't want you missing out on a banger ;) Just a word of...

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Newsletter #11

Newsletter #11

Welcome along to Newsletter no, 11, which kinda blends August into September! It's been a super busy month (as always!), with the in-store events calendar starting to fill up, as well as loads of brilliant new and reissued music continuing to be announced. It's historically a little quieter around now for new music but heck, 2021 is something else! Ben alone is keeping the business afloat by purchasing everything MF DOOM, the Super Furry Animals reissue, Turin Brakes, DJ Format, Primal Scream....the list goes on! We hope that you're all well, enjoy the newsletter and fingers crossed for a little...

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Newsletter #4

Newsletter #4

It was the mighty foursome of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young that once sang "If I had ever been here before, I would probably know just what to do." In their case, I'm not sure to what they were referring to but in our case, we know exactly what to do. We keep spinning those records people. At the start of the month, Mr Johnson uttered those all too familiar words; "stay at home." We don't want to belittle the message and the priority of the entire nation to stay safe, but when we hear the instruction to stay at...

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Newsletter #12

Newsletter #12

As the Beach Boys once sung "Summer’s gone, gone like yesterday". As we head into the last quarter of the year, great music is still being released and our events calendar is brimming with awesome things! We've had yet another busy month with some really cool comings and goings. So grab yourself a cuppa and bask in the warmth of a Wax and Beans hug that is this month's newsletter. As always, we've included our favourite pre-order for the month below, but you can always check out our full list of pre-orders here. We suggest you bookmark it for easy access......

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